
History and honor

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1957 - 1965 China Textile Import & Export Company of Shanghai City Branch (Shanghai garment export business)

1965 - 1987 China Textile Import & Export Company of Shanghai City branch clothing (woven garments, knitted apparel, bedding)

1988 - 1994 Shanghai garment import and Export Corporation

1994 - 1998 Shanghai Oriental International Group Import and Export Company Limited

1998 - 2000.6 Oriental International Business Limited by Share Ltd

2000.6 - 2011 Oriental International Business Limited by Share Ltd

Oriental International Business Limited by Share Ltd in 2011 December completed to the Oriental International Group directed additional shares to buy assets reorganization.The company now holding textile company, Litai company, textile company, Business Companies, and other well-known company of East pine.

In 2000 the company in Shanghai City Foreign Economic and Trade Committee "of Shanghai city enterprise exports list" fourth.

In 2001 the company exports listed in Shanghai City, the largest export volume before the 10 enterprises, won the "2001 annual export of Shanghai hundred enterprises" award.

In 2002 the company in Shanghai City, the state-owned foreign trade enterprise export volume debuted at third; won the "2002 annual export of Shanghai hundred enterprises" bronze award.

In 2003 the company was awarded the "2003 annual export of Shanghai hundred enterprises" bronze award.To be "China runs a newspaper" as "the most competitive hundred listing Corporation" (CBCI-100), is the only company in the same industry.

In 2004 the company was awarded the "2004 annual export of Shanghai hundred enterprises" bronze award.

In 2005 the company was awarded the "2005 annual export of Shanghai hundred enterprises" bronze award.

In 2006 the company "ROSE rose" by Shanghai city key to cultivate export brand.

In 2007 the company was awarded the top 100 enterprises in Shanghai forty-first.

In 2010 the company won the "2007-2008 annual Shanghai export name brand enterprise".

In 2011 won the "Fortune magazine" China's top 500.


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