
light textile clothing products

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 Blue calico is Chinese civilian the most popular hand spinning hand-woven, hand, natural plant dyes dyeing of textiles, although not a luxury, but has a high artistic achievement.Blue printed cloth more than one thousand three hundred years of history, it exudes traditional folk culture and art beauty of soil, to lead a person to endless aftertastes.

    Blue calico used cotton materials, handmade textiles, natural plant dye (bluegrass), the rigid scraping, multiple disseminated from the production process.The patterns of the composition structure, to achieve a density, inserted to natural, with strong local flavor and the background of traditional culture.The homespun production of blue calico garments, handicrafts, not only blue and white is clear, but the texture character of simple, elegant, dignified and beautiful.It have great originality engraved blue and white pattern, brings together the Chinese nation industry and people for thousands of years by the accumulation of social production practice the essence of culture.Use the blue calico making clothing, do not contain harmful to human body composition, and the Bluegrass as dye, endowed with the ingredients of Chinese medicine, has to the human body health, repellent effect.Its main advantages of Xihan, breathable, health care, is any industrial products can not be replaced.To use it, to go back to our ancestors living in the natural world.

   Located in Changle Road, blue calico Museum from folk to collect and keep all kinds of precious exhibits, which has a long history.And not only so, it produced a variety of blue calico fabrics, clothing, handicrafts, cloth, wall and other products, perennial exported to Japan and Europe and America, by people of all circles at home and the universal love.

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